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Buying & selling property | NSW Fair Trading

Information on buying and selling different types of property.


Buying a Property

Buying a property | NSW Fair Trading

Planning and understanding property types, finance and using an agent.

Buying investment properties | NSW Fair Trading

A guide on things to look out for if you are thinking of buying an investment property.

Buying property at an auction | NSW Fair Trading

Advice on preparation before an auction and how the auction process works.

Bidders guide | NSW Fair Trading

A guide about bidding at property auctions.

Conveyancing | NSW Fair Trading

Information on what is conveyancing, the costs and process involved when using a conveyancer.



Selling a Property

Selling a property | NSW Fair Trading

A list of topics to make sure you’re prepared for the sale of your property.

The sale process | NSW Fair Trading

Information to help you understand the sale process.

Agency agreements | NSW Fair Trading

Tips on choosing an agent and what you need to know before making a commitment.